Sessions and Cookies


Macchiato defaults to using in-memory sessions.

The session middleware is initialized in the <app>.middleware namespace by the wrap-defaults function. Session timeout is specified in second and defaults to 30 minutes of inactivity.

We can easily swap the default memory store for a different one, such as a cookie store. Below, we explicitly specify the ring.middleware.session.cookie/cookie-store with the name example-app-session as our session store:

  (-> site-defaults
      (assoc-in [:security :anti-forgery] false)
      (assoc-in [:session :store] (cookie-store))
      (assoc-in [:session :cookie-name] "example-app-sessions")))

We can also specify the maximum age for our session cookies using the :max-age key:

  (-> site-defaults
      (assoc-in [:security :anti-forgery] false)
      (assoc-in [:session :store] (cookie-store))
      (assoc-in [:session :cookie-attrs] {:max-age 10})))

When using cookie store it is also important to specify a secret key (16 characters) for cookie encryption. Otherwise a random one will be generated each time application is started and sessions created before will be lost.

  (-> site-defaults
      (assoc-in [:security :anti-forgery] false)
      (assoc-in [:session :store] (cookie-store {:key "BuD3KgdAXhDHrJXu"}))
      (assoc-in [:session :cookie-name] "example-app-sessions")))

Accessing the session

Ring tracks sessions using the request map and the current session will be found under the :session key. Below we have a simple example of interaction with the session.

(ns <project-name>.routes
   [macchiato.util.response :refer [response]]))

(defn set-user! [{:keys [params session]} res raise]
  (let [id (:id params)]
    (-> (response (str "User set to: " id))
        (assoc :session (assoc session :user id))
        (response/content-type "text/plain")

(defn remove-user! [{session :session} res raise]
  (-> (response "User removed")
      (assoc :session (dissoc session :user))
      (response/content-type "text/plain")

(defn clear-session! [req res raise]
  (-> (response "Session cleared")
      (dissoc :session)
      (response/content-type "text/plain")

(def routes
[["/" {"login/:id" set-user!
       "remove" remove-user!
       "logout" clear-session!}]])

Flash sessions

Flash sessions have a lifespan of a single request, these can be accessed using the :flash key instead of the :session key used for regular sessions.


Cookies are found under the :cookies key of the request, eg:

{:cookies {"username" {:value "Bob"}}}

Conversely, to set a cookie on the response we simply update the response map with the desired cookie value:

(-> "response with a cookie" response (assoc-in [:cookies "username" :value] "Alice"))

Cookies can contain the following additional attributes in addition to the :value key:

  • :domain - restrict the cookie to a specific domain
  • :path - restrict the cookie to a specific path
  • :secure - restrict the cookie to HTTPS URLs if true
  • :http-only - restrict the cookie to HTTP if true (not accessible via e.g. JavaScript)
  • :max-age - the number of seconds until the cookie expires
  • :expires - a specific date and time the cookie expires