

Macchiato enabled CSRF by default. Requests such as form POSTs must contain the CSRF token.

First, you'll require the anti-forgery middleware namespace to access the token:

(ns <project-name>.routes
    [macchiato.util.response :as r]
    [macchiato.middleware.anti-forgery :as af])
    [hiccups.core :refer [html]])

The token can then be used as follows:

(defn home [req res raise]
  (let [af-token af/*anti-forgery-token*]
         [:h2 "leave a message"]
         [:form {:method "POST" :action "/message"}
           {:type  "hidden"
            :name  "__anti-forgery-token"
            :value af-token}]
           {:type        :text
            :name        "message"
            :placeholder "message"}]
           {:type  :submit
            :value "add message"}]]]]
         (r/content-type "text/html")

As you can see in the above example, the form contains a hidden field with the name __anti-forgery-token. This field contains the value of the CSRF token that will be checked by the anti-forgery middleware when the request is submitted to the server.

Password Hashing

Password hashing is handled by the macchiato-crypto library.

First, you have to pick an encryption algorithm, either bcrypt or scrypt:

(require '[macchiato.crypto.<algorithm> :as password])

Then use the encrypt function to apply a secure, one-way encryption algorithm to a password:

(def encrypted (password/encrypt "foobar"))

And the check function to check the encrypted password against a plaintext password:

(password/check "foobar" encrypted) ;; => true

The encrypt and check functions have async versions as well:

  (fn [err result]
    (is (scrypt/check "secret" result))))

  (password/encrypt "secret")
  (fn [err result]
    (is result)))


Authentication is handled by the macchiato-auth library. `