Core 0.1.5
Released under the MIT License
core Macchiato HTTP library.
To install, add the following dependency to your project or build file:
[macchiato/core "0.1.5"]
Middleware for automatically adding a content type to response maps.
Public variables and functions:
Middleware for automatically adding a charset to the content-type header in response maps.
Public variables and functions:
Middleware that adds session-based flash store that persists only to the next request in the same session.
Public variables and functions:
Middleware to simplify replying to HEAD requests. A response to a HEAD request should be identical to a GET request, with the exception that a response to a HEAD request should have an empty body.
Public variables and functions:
Middleware that converts parameter keys in the request to keywords.
Public variables and functions:
Middleware that returns a 304 Not Modified response for responses with Last-Modified headers.
Public variables and functions:
Middleware for serving static resources.
Public variables and functions:
Middleware for managing handlers operating over HTTPS.
Public variables and functions:
A session storage engine that stores session data in memory.
Public variables and functions:
protocol for defining session storage engines.
Public variables and functions:
Utility functions for determining the mime-types files.
Public variables and functions:
Functions for augmenting and pulling information from request maps.
Public variables and functions:
Public variables and functions:
- accepted
- already-reported
- bad-gateway
- bad-request
- bandwidth-limit-exceeded
- blocked-by-windows-parental-controls
- charset
- conflict
- content-type
- continue
- created
- enhance-your-calm
- expectation-failed
- failed-dependency
- file
- find-header
- forbidden
- found
- gateway-timeout
- get-header
- gone
- header
- http-version-not-supported
- im-used
- insufficient-storage
- internal-server-error
- json
- length-required
- locked
- loop-detected
- method-not-allowed
- moved-permanently
- multi-status
- multiple-choices
- network-authentication-required
- network-connect-timeout
- network-read-timeout
- no-content
- non-authoritative-information
- not-acceptable
- not-extended
- not-found
- not-implemented
- not-modified
- ok
- partial-content
- payment-required
- permanent-redirect
- precondition-failed
- precondition-required
- processing
- proxy-authentication-required
- request-entity-too-large
- request-header-fields-too-large
- request-timeout
- request-uri-too-long
- requested-range-not-satisfiable
- reset-content
- response?
- retry-with
- see-other
- service-unavailable
- sorted-json
- status
- switching-protocols
- temporary-redirect
- too-many-requests
- transit
- unauthorized
- unavailable-for-legal-reasons
- unordered-collection
- unprocessable-entity
- unsupported-media-type
- update-header
- upgrade-required
- use-proxy
- variant-also-negotiates