
Bidi is used as the default routing library. However, you can easily swap for a number of other libraries, such as router.

The routing logic is found in the <project-name>.routes namespace. The router function is responsible for selecting the handler for the route based on the URI:

(defn router [req res raise]
  (if-let [{:keys [handler route-params]} (bidi/match-route* routes (:uri req) req)]
    (handler (assoc req :route-params route-params) res raise)
    (not-found req res raise)))

The router will attempt to match the URI using bidi/match-route* function against the routes:

(def routes
  ["/" {:get home}])

When no routes are found, then the not-found route will be called:

(defn not-found [req res raise]
  (-> (html
          [:h2 (:uri req) " was not found"]]])
      (r/content-type "text/html")

A route handler function must accept three arguments as seen above:

  • req - the request map containing the parsed request
  • res - a function that will handle sending the response to the server asynchronously
  • raise - a function that should be called when you wish to propagate the error to the default error handler
