RESTful Middleware

Macchiato provides middleware for automatically negotiating content type for the requests and responses.

The middleware looks at the Content-Type header in the request to infer how the request should be deserialized, and the Accept header to find the appropriate serialization format for the response.

The middleware can be required as follows:

(ns <project-name>.routes
   [macchiato.util.response :as r]
   [macchiato.middleware.restful-format as rf]))

Let's write an echo request handler function:

(defn echo [req res raise]
  (r/ok {:message (->req :body :message)
         :name (-> req :body :name)}))

We can wrap this function with the RESTful middleware:

(def routes
  ["/" {:get (rf/wrap-restful-format echo)}])

Given a request such as:

{:uri "/"
 :body "{\"name\":"\Bob\", \"messsage\":\"Hello\"}"
 :headers {"content-type" "application/javascript"
           "accept" "application/javascript"}}

The middleware will parse the JSON body of the request. Our handler will receive a Clojure data structure that's been deserialized from JSON. The handler response will in turn be automatically serialized to JSON.

At this time wrap-restful-format supports the following types out of the box:

  • "application/json"
  • "application/transit+json"

Adding Custom Types

Custom types can be added by implementing the deserialize-request and serialize-response multimethods. See the JSON multimethods below as an example:

(defmethod deserialize-request "application/json"
  [{:keys [body keywordize?]}]
  (js->clj (js/JSON.parse body) :keywordize-keys keywordize?))

(defmethod serialize-response "application/json"
  [{:keys [body]}]
  (js/JSON.stringify (clj->js body)))

Once you've added the multimethods, you must provide the :content-types and the :accept-types keys when wrapping the middleware. These keys should each point to a set of content types that you wish to work with.